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A Year Ago

If you live long enough, you get to celebrate any number of anniversaries. This one is unique for me! A year ago, Sheri and this retired pastor arrived in Coeur d’Alene to begin an Interim ministry. I have my 2023 calendar in front of me, so I recall people & activities.

  • Moved into Apt. 110 at the Timbers. Stopped by church to pick up donated items. Met Carol K in the parking lot. She handed us a roll of toilet paper. Life saver! Started nesting – dresser from Voigt’s, couch and mattress and desk and chair from Almeida’s, pillows from Shirley, household goods from Carol and Charlie, plateware from Sue and Tom – gosh, the list goes on and on! Bought a printer, learned where the grocery and Thrift stores are.

  • Met people – Kay S, Eula, David J., Valorie Z, Barry & Jeri, Rita. Took Jeff & Addie to lunch at Panera. The Albing’s hosted us for lunch.

  • Attended worship at LCM 9/3. Teresa Fandel preached. Scheduled a “meet and greet” prior to worship. OK, that’s it! You indulged me with a little fun to look backwards one year.

During the month of September, our worship services will include a special focus and theme – THE SEASON OF CREATION. For five Sundays, our prayers, litanies and affirmations will celebrate God our creator and the goodness of creation. This annual celebration has a chosen theme this year: To hope and Act with Creation. As we transition from Summer to Fall, as we transition into a lease partnership with the school, I offer this prayer that we continue to hope and act with Creation:

To have hope is to believe that history continues open to the dream of God and to human creativity.

To have hope is to continue affirming that it is possible to dream a different world, without hunger, without injustice, without discrimination.

To have hope is to be a messenger of God, tearing down walls, destroying borders, building bridges,

To have hope is to believe in the revolutionary potential of faith.

To have hope is to leave the door open so that the Spirit can enter and make all things new.

To have hope is to believe that life wins over death.

To have hope is to begin again as many times as necessary.

To have hope is to believe that hope is not the last thing that dies.

To have hope is to believe that hope cannot die, that hope no longer dies.

To have hope is to live.

(Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo, Honduras)



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