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Greetings from the Interim Pastor at Lutheran Church of the Master.

It has been eleven months since my Interim assignment began. Upon arrival, I  immediately learned that a Tri-Lutheran  worship service would take place in September. I asked - What is Tri-Lutheran? One question led to another - What does Tri-Lutheran mean? What is it? How long has “it” been around? What’s the goal? And finally, where is Q’emlin Park? I have observed this thing called Tri-Lutheran for eleven months.   I am going to use this article to share my experience and some observations.

By way of introduction, shared Lutheran   ministry is not new to me. I recall a shared Campus Ministry in Marshall, MN, a shared radio devotional ministry in Fergus Falls, MN, a shared Confirmation Retreat in Phoenix, AZ, a shared Counseling Center in Idaho Falls, ID. Did you notice the key word…shared?

First, I have learned that the notion of  Tri-Lutheran is a relatively new phenomena. Yes, Pastors Bob, Dan, and Matt met regularly in text study, got along well, and supported each other, but the boundaries between the three congregations were rarely, if ever, crossed A little over a year ago 10-12 good Lutherans representing the three churches began to meet. Time has been spent  brainstorming, daydreaming and occasionally planning a “Tri-Lutheran” event or activity. The first word I would use to describe Tri-Lutheran is that it is a conversation.

Second, I have observed that the three congregations are hesitant to embrace the idea. There are some exceptions, but I sense most say, “I belong to Trinity, or my truck or car only know the way to Calvary, or I’m not particularly interested in anything beyond LCM.” The Tri-Lutheran activities or events that did take place were, hmmm, how do I say it, they were faithfully planned and executed, but for the most part were “underwhelming.” Good reasons exist for Tri-Lutheran, i.e.       efficiency (Administration), effectiveness (Ministries & Programs), but they remain in our future, the work of the Holy Spirit. I have learned there is no blueprint for being and doing Tri-Lutheran. The second word I would use to describe Tri-Lutheran is that it is an experiment.

Third, I am intrigued by what God might have in store for us Tri-Lutherans in the very near future. The word collaboration has been used in the past year to describe Tri-Lutheran. It means “to work with someone to produce or create something.” The next Tri-Lutheran event to be “produced or created” is the     outdoor worship service in Post Falls (Sept. 8). It is also God’s Work Our Hands Sunday. Plans are underway for a day of worship, a potluck, AND a GWOH service project. Over the next 4-5 weeks you will hear lots of        details. The boundaries remain but God’s Spirit is at work. The third word I would use to describe Tri-Lutheran is  opportunity.


Pastor Kirk



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